Your mental health is a priority


Caylin Bell

Mental health is an obstacle every human being on this planet deals with whether it’s anxiety, depression, or any other form of chemical imbalance.   

Embracing the fact that mental health affects all of us at some point is important. If we are struggling with our mental health, it’s not something that we should hide just because we are scared to be shunned by society. When we don’t get the assistance we need, it can lead to self-harm and even suicide. Thousands of people resort to these actions because they feel as though they have nowhere else to go. However, that is not true. There are many different ways to get help with mental health issues, whether it be an online therapist, parent, teacher, counselor, principal, or even a close friend. 

So many people are willing to help. Mrs.Sigman stated that “Mental health is just as important as physical health. Being able to understand and realize when you might be struggling and when to seek help is at times the biggest barrier. Understand that it is okay to not be okay. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak; it actually makes you stronger.” 

Many people refuse to admit that they have anxiety because they don’t want to seem weak. It’s important to understand that everyone has anxiety hardwired into their body. Having a mental health issue is not something to be ashamed of. While some anxiety is helpful, it can do some damage to the body. Good stress or anxiety can be very motivational when it comes to everyday life. Negative stress/anxiety can be caused by a range of issues such as a family member is sick, and it can’t be controlled. Not everyone has or will have an anxiety disorder, but everyone will deal with stress at some point in their lives.

Coping is something much needed when it comes to mental health. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it may help. Some coping skills that could help with mental health are meditation, writing your feelings down in a journal, drawing, coloring, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths, counting, naming off states or countries, and so many more. 

Another way to reduce stress and anxiety is limiting our time on social media.  Yes, this means turning the phones off and putting them away.  Some students are realizing how much better they feel with the phone policy being consistently enforced here at CHS.   They are allowed to check messages and social media at lunch.  One of the most significant motivations of keeping phones out of the classroom is to help students. Ms.Price shares that  “ [she is] enforcing board policy by removing the phones. [She] also feels…that anxiety may be reduced because students are not constantly distracted.”  

If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health issue and need help but don’t know how to find it, find someone you trust and feel safe with and talk.  

Local [Jackson/Hillsdale counties] (LifeWays Community Mental Health: 1-800-284-8288,

Henry Ford Allegiance Health Access Center: 1-800-531-3728 or 517-205-5071

211 – Dial 211 to be connected to health and human service resources within our community)

National: (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, as of July 2022 you can just dial 988 and it will route you to the hotline, Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741.)