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Homecoming Pep Rally

Bringing back school spirit
Sophomores playing Tug-O-War
Sophomores playing Tug-O-War
Emily Blackmer

To kickoff the day of Homecoming the student council planned a fun and eventful pep rally that went along perfectly with the seminar games that took place throughout the week. 

The assembly started with the practice battle cries,  then proceeded with the homecoming court being introduced by emcee Mike Jursak with each group playing a song that was picked out beforehand. 

To start the games, we had the hula hooping contest, where senior Aiden Grandy came out victorious, and Paige Morris came in close second. 

The next game for the day was Chicken in the Hen House, with Collin Thompson and Ashton Easterwood taking the win for the Seniors by outsmarting the competitors. Ashton explains how he won the game with Collin: “My boy Collin, we got that chemistry. We just created a plan on who was going to do what and what pose before we got out there. So when we got out there, we instantly knew what to do.” Their last rival was the sophomores. Ashton seemed pretty excited about their win. He says, “I feel pretty good about it; they worked hard. They got to the end with us, but they couldn’t stick through it and compete with us. At the end of the day, we won.”

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The Seniors competed in Tug-O-War against the Freshman with the Seniors winning. Then the Sophomores went up against the Juniors with the Juniors coming out victorious. Then the winners of both rounds went against each other with the Seniors being the overall winners of Tug-O-War and Juniors taking second place. 

After the Game of Tug-O-War, the students participated in a game of Sponge Toss where students throw a sponge to a fellow student from their grade. If the sponge is caught, they take two steps back and pass the sponge back until there is one group left. In this game,  seniors Carter Arbuckle and Levi Raymond won for their class. 

The yearly tradition of Gladiator was next on the agenda for the day, where the Juniors defeated the other teams in a very competitive game. Slade Hellard shared how Gladiator was his favorite game out of all of them. When asked why, he says, “It was definitely entertaining to watch people get hit. It was pretty funny to watch.” He was not the only one to think that Gladiator was the best game; many of the kids from school enjoyed this game.

To finish off the Pep Rally, students competed in battle cries, which is where each grade stands in the bleachers, and the cheerleaders guide them in a cheer.  The students must repeat it back to see which grade can be loudest and also to see which grade has more school spirit. For the battle cries the Seniors won, but in close second were the Juniors.

For total spirit points, the Seniors won, Juniors came in second, Sophomores came in third, and the Freshman came in last. The Pep Rally is always a good way to get students active, and the school’s spirit high for the homecoming football game. 

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