The Concord High School student council turned on the shining lights for this amazing night, glitter sparkling and heels clicking as the music played. The cafeteria was transformed from a room with tables to a glowing dance floor.
As the music started to play from the speakers, students started to pile in from the thrilling football game. The dance was run by the student council, and run by Mrs. Osterhout. Many of the council members had been planning this event for two weeks and worked hard to achieve this outcome.

Senior council member, Grace Thorrez had taken the lead on the dance floor, influencing others to join and start a dance circle. She mentioned that this dance could have been improved if others had taken the lead and started the dancing. She also said the dance had improved from last year: “There were more decorations and more thought put into the dance.”
The dance was decorated with shiny streamers hanging everywhere, Oscar trophies, and balloons spread out throughout the dance. There was also a red carpet-themed photo booth where all the couples and friends could take pictures.

Freshman Amiah Ward had just experienced her first homecoming. She explains the difference between high school and middle school dances: “There were better songs played since middle school,” She had been looking forward to dancing with her friends and was nervous about drama, but all of her problems had been put aside and everyone had a good time.
Volunteer and teacher, Mr. Saucedo was the DJ for this dance. He played exciting songs that everyone could enjoy even when they didn’t know the songs. He used phrases to transition into each song, which made each song more exciting and surprising.
Sophomore Brooke Knoblett has also added that the dance has improved from last year, she says, “More people actually danced and had fun.” She hopes that next year there will be a bigger space to dance, along with more time between the football game and dance.
The dance had started slow, but as the dance came to an end, everybody was disappointed it ended so soon. Thank you to everyone who helped with this dance, and a special thank you to the student council for continuously providing amazing dances and events for our students!