Would you like to play boys’ golf?

Come play for the boys’ team

Madisyn Barrett, Staff Writer

It is slowly getting warmer and spring sports are coming into full swing with that including boys’ golf.

Boys’ coach Mr. Bauman has been coaching at Concord for a long time now, he started coaching in 2006 but took a couple of years off when his kids were born and is now back at it.

This season the boys’ team has one returning golfer, Lleyton Bauman who has been playing golf since he was young and is a sophomore now. Bauman says, ”I think the season will probably go well. We are getting some players from track and baseball so that will be interesting.”
Concord is looking for new golfers who are willing to put in the time and effort to help support the team. If you are willing to do so, practices will be from 4-6 at the Concord Hills Golf Course on Pulaski Rd. When asking coach Bauman about the roster, he mentions, “I am hoping to add some more dual sport athletes from the baseball and track teams to help fill the roster. Isaac Waldron, Carter Arbuckle, Lewis Fritz, Gavin Riske, Connor Stevens, and Slade Hellard are some of those students.”

When asking Coach Bauman what usually happens during practices, he said, “Practice generally begins with chipping and putting practice, then moving to the driving range to work on the golf swing. And ending with playing a few holes.”

Some people may think of golf as just a regular sport but that is not the story. Golf is a game that you can play your whole life, so learning the proper way to golf can help you stay healthy and active for a lifetime. Although the game may help in those areas, it is also a game that can help with social activity. Most golfers on the course are professional businessmen who are conducting business with others while playing.

Academics is a big priority here at Concord and coach Bauman says, “At Concord, you should be a student first. Take care of your business in the classroom, then represent your school in a positive light through athletics.”

The boys’ first golf match is at Union City on April 12, 2023.

If anyone is interested in playing please talk to any current golfers or contact Coach Bauman.