Energetic, generous, and opinionated: these attributes encapsulate what kind of person Paige Morris is. We are honored to be shining our senior spotlight on her, due to her astonishing work in classes and contribution to the school as a whole.
Morris began to attend Concord in kindergarten and has continued here for the entirety of her academic career. During that time period, she has developed countless memories; one of her favorites occurred during last year. She explains, “My favorite memory is when we won third place in Quiz Bowl. During my first two years on the team, we did not do as well as third place, so it was really cool to see us do that well.”
Of the many classes on her schedule, her favorite subject has stayed consistent throughout the years: math. She explains what she enjoys about it: “There is only one answer.” Currently, she is in AP Calc through Michigan Virtual and will be taking statistics with Ms. Fields next semester.
Morris enjoys keeping herself busy with clubs and sports on top of her basic classes. The ones that she is currently involved in include cross country, Quiz Bowl, robotics, and band. Out of all of these, she reveals that robotics is her favorite by far. She shares definitely, “It is robotics. I love it, and I love programming the robot.”
The robotics team that Morris is a part of is called the NERD Sparks. The team began in late 2023, and Morris has been a part of it from the beginning. In the past two years, the team has made it to Worlds twice. Morris shares her part on the team: “We go and compete against different teams with our robot. Specifically, I am a programmer; I program in lab view. I also do part of the leadership on the team and help us get sponsors.”
Robotics is not only something Morris enjoys doing, but it is also preparing her for her future. After this year, she is hoping to go into a career in engineering to program robots. She elaborates, “I want to program useful things for people so that I can make their lives better.” At the moment, she has not decided which college she is going to be attending but is applying to engineering schools.
In her spare time, Morris engages in a few hobbies. When asked which ones she enjoys in particular, she responded, “I love to swim, but I usually only get to do that during the summer time. I also really like to sew, woodburn, and paint.” Morris also adds that her favorite show is Young Sheldon, and her favorite song is “Broken and Beautiful” by Kelly Clarkson.
Since she has spent so much of her time at the school, there is much for her to miss next year when her time here comes to an end. Morris shares what she will miss the most: “The people. I’ll miss the people. They are the main reason I come to school.”
Morris is very close with all her family, especially with her little sister Allie Morris. Allie shares that they like to do anything together as long as they get to spend time together. She adds that one of her favorite activities to do is play games together. Thinking into next year, Allie explains what she will miss the most when Morris goes to college: “Just her positive energy and seeing her every day.” Thinking back on the past few years, Allie recalls one memory that sticks out between all the others. She says, “When we went to Myrtle Beach, there were people there that said that Paige looked 12 and that I looked 15; it was vice versa. Now, it is like a running joke in our family.”

Morris’ longtime friend, Dustin Hamilton, describes her in three words: generous, trustworthy, and corny. When thinking back on memories with her, he recalls a time when they were five. He says, “When we were five, we did a mud run together; it was a lot of fun.” Hamilton also shares something a lot of people might not know about Morris, which is that she is an incredibly generous person. He says, “She would give the shirt off her back for a friend; she is just an all-around great person that would do anything for her friends!”
Another close friend of Morris’s is Hannah Stimer. She has known Morris since first grade, and they have been friends ever since. One of Stimer’s favorite memories with Morris occurred at a birthday party. She states, “She had a birthday party where we all got together and played wiffle ball; it was super fun!” Stimer adds that one of her favorite qualities of Morris is how much effort she puts into everything, especially friendships.
Mrs. Osterhout has known Morris for the past three years and has had her in two classes: Honors English 10 and AP Lit. When asked how she would describe her as a person, Mrs. O responded, “She is very genuine and earnest. She wants to learn and is actually curious about things, which I appreciate. I think she is just overall a good person to be around.” She adds she will miss Morris next year and is extremely grateful to have had her in class.
To conclude, Morris has one piece of advice for the underclassmen: “Keep up on your work and start the whole college process before senior year.”
We want to thank Morris for all of the positive energy and amazing effort she has brought to Concord High School each day she was here. We wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors!