New teachers, new building, surrounded by new people

Freshmen adjust to CHS

Madisyn Barrett, Staff Writer

The freshman class, fresh out of middle school, are transitioning into high school. The first year of high school can be the most challenging year due to being in a new building and around a whole crowd of new people. We had a chance to interview three freshmen who are successfully adjusting to life at CHS.

Returning student Paige Morris is one of our freshmen who is excited for high school. She was an online student last year, and now that she is back, she is ecstatic to try new things like Cross Country and Art. Besides these brave attempts, she has committed to her favorite class: Band. Paige shares that, “Adjusting to high school was a little hard for me. One of the reasons for this was that I was an online student last year so instead of just adjusting to high school, I had to adjust to being back in school in general.¨ Morris is a student that if someone ever needs help, she is the first to volunteer and is always engaged during classes.

Freshman Drew Uncapher is delighted to be in high school. He also went online as a student last year and had to get used to being in school again. Now that he is back at school, he is trying new classes like Spanish and Computer Science.  He is also enjoying his two favorite classes: Spanish and English. Drew talks about how he felt in the beginning of the year:¨I thought it would be harder because I was online, but it was not as bad as I thought. In the start of the year I was nervous about how the year would turn out.¨ Uncapher is the type of student who knows many different people around the school. One of the reasons for that is he volunteers to help at the concessions at sporting events.

A freshman who was in-person last year shares a different perspective. Emily Blackmer has been trying new classes like Spanish and Computer Science. This year she is excited because she can see the new possibilities and meet new teachers. Even though she was excited, she also did not feel like she was fully prepared for high school. She shares, ¨My favorite thing so far in the school year is getting to know the teachers and figuring out how high school works.¨ Blackmer is the type of student that if there is a school activity or something new happening she would be the first one to try it.

These three students have been successful in adjusting to high school because they all have something in common: they put themselves out there and are open to try new things.  We look forward to seeing what these three freshmen and their classmates achieve in the year ahead.