Grace Thorrez has been a remarkable influence on the lives of others. She strives to make others happy and constantly pushes herself to do great things. She participates in many clubs and activities, including the Student Council, band, basketball, and golf. She has played basketball for three years and hopes to continue playing in college. She has a few goals, like staying close to God and her family.

Grace shares some advice for incoming freshmen, she believes that: “[high school] goes by a lot faster than it seems and to not waste time.” She has been at Concord since seventh grade, and she mentions that she likes Concord because of its “small community, and everyone knows each other.” She says she is excited to graduate but also nervous; she adds she hasn’t decided where she would like to go, but she wants somewhere close so she can be with her family and friends.
Thorrez has been a huge contributor to the spirit levels during sports and dances. She’s always the first on the dance floor and a huge leader while cheering for our teams. She helps set up events and makes sure everybody is having a good time.
One of her closest friends, Hannah Stimer, shares one of her favorite things about Thorrez: “She always knows the right thing to say no matter the situation like, ‘we will figure it out together,’ and she is good at talking to people.” Thorrez and Stimer share that their favorite memories together happen at Grace’s cabin up north; Stimer shares that she couldn’t pick a favorite because there are so many great memories. Stimer adds that she is very caring and can always brighten up a room. She’s made many students feel comfortable and is always somebody her peers can go to.

Even people outside of school are noticing her positive and supportive attitude. Arshawn Parker, the girls’ varsity basketball coach, has coached her for two years and has loved having her on the team. Parker says, “She can always find a way to find the good in everything, even when there isn’t very much good there.” He describes her as a very uplifting and positive leader, and she is always there for others when they need it. She is especially great at cheering her teammates up after a hard game.
While she balances all of this, she still manages to keep her academics high and turn her assignments in on time. Thorrez has a bright future ahead of her and she will surely be successful as she grows and learns.
English teacher Jennifer Couling has taught her for the last three years. Mrs. Couling has always enjoyed having Thorrez as her student. She describes Thorrez as kind, generous, and somebody you want to be around. She shares that her favorite thing about Grace is her sense of humor. She also shares, “Grace is going to have a magnificent future because of the type of person she is. She is going to go out there and make the world a better place.”

Of course, Thorrez couldn’t do this without her parents’ help, sharing that they are why she continues to push herself and inspire others. Thorrez mentions, “Both of my parents came from very different backgrounds, but when they came together they formed beautiful things.”
Grace has a lot of family in Concord as well. Her cousin Julia Stevens is one of them. Stevens is very close with Grace and admires much about her. She shares some of her favorite qualities: “I like how funny she is. She is always making me laugh no matter what the situation is. She is also an extremely considerate person; she cares about everyone so much and is always trying to make their lives better.” Stevens also shares how proud she is to be related to such an amazing individual.
Thorrez has been a huge part of our community and has brightened so many people’s lives. We are sure she will continue to strive for greatness throughout the rest of her high school career and into her college years. We are extremely grateful to have such an amazing student at our school, and we hope she continues to spread her joy with every step she takes.