A funny, considerate, passionate, and intelligent student and friend: Danielle Fritz is an outstanding senior who participates in both student council and softball.
Fritz has attended Concord since she was in kindergarten. Fritz is loved by many and is a great person to look up to as well as to learn from. She is always at school and is involved in the student council, serving as vice president. In this role, she always tries her best to help come up with fun things to keep our school exciting.
Looking back, Fritz was a little quiet as a freshman. She explains how much she has grown since that year, “I have become a more mature and a more determined student.” When asked about her most memorable events of senior year so far she explains, “Homecoming week was super fast, but senior year is going by extremely fast.” While she feels caught up in a whirlwind, one event she is looking forward to is prom.
Outside of school, Fritz enjoys reading and watching hockey or any kind of racing. When she isn’t participating in those activities, she works at both Sattlers and Bigby.
Both students and staff look up to Fritz and respect her in many ways. One of her friends, Taylor Cole, describes Danni as “a very supportive friend that makes every day brighter.” They have been friends for many years and have played on countless sports teams with each other.

There was no shortage of seniors who were willing to share their admiration for Fritz. Another friend, Pyper Norris says, “Danni is the best person ever, very outgoing, sweet, and humble.”
One of her softball teammates Hannah Stimer adds, “I would describe her as someone with a wide variety of interests; she always has something new to talk about! She is also just a genuinely fun person to be around.”

This year, Fritz is enrolled in a new class: AP Lit with Mrs. O. She enjoys this class because she “loves Mrs. O and loves the books they read in there.”
Mrs. O has had Fritz as a student for 3 years, “I love her. She is lovely, wonderful, all the good things. She is a great student, I’ve had her for the past three years in leadership and honors English 10. She is one of the best I’ve ever had. Great person and great student overall.”
As Fritz finishes up her senior year at Concord, she plans to go to Jackson College and get her certificate in digital marketing.
During her time here, Danni made strong bonds and showed leadership, growth, and determination. She was a memorable student and friend who will be missed dearly. Congratulations, Danni; we wish you all the best for the rest of your senior year and your future after high school!