Prom 2024 an exciting night for many; on May 4th, the junior class put together an enchanted evening for themselves and the senior class. It was a memorable night for everyone who attended and brought a lot of fun for everyone.
This year the venue was in Homer at Country Happenings. It had many elements to it that made the night extremely fun. There was a dance floor, DJ booth, snack bar, drink bar, photo booth, and an outside area. The outdoor area was something that is not always at prom, but it was a big hit, allowing students to play cornhole and take a lot of outdoor photos.
The junior class worked hard to make this night possible with the help of Mr. Couling and Mrs. Couling. They did many fundraisers throughout the year to make the night beautiful. They also spent a lot of time setting up the venue to make it perfect. They came the night before to set up and then many parents came to help chaperone the day of.
The junior class had many souvenirs for everyone to take home with them. If students went to the photo booth, they could take pictures with their friends and take home the printed pictures. There was also a table filled with glow sticks, glow glasses, and bubbles to use on the dance floor, and then take home. Mr. Couling also made shirts for everyone in attendance to take home with them that said, “Enchanted Evening Prom Concord 2024”.

Hannah Stimer was a junior who was able to help a lot with planning prom. She came up the night before and explains what they did: “We cleaned all the tables and chairs. I helped Mrs. Couling get all the decorations prepared and ready to set out the next morning.” Stimer adds that she enjoyed planning prom and having meetings about it during lunch. It was ultimately fun for her to see what the final product looked like. Although she enjoyed planning this year’s prom, she is excited to see what next year’s junior class has in store for them.
Danni Fritz was another junior who helped a lot with the planning of prom. Her favorite part of prom was the outdoor area. She enjoyed that there were many things that everyone could do other than just dance. Within planning it, Fritz shares that the little details were fun to pick out. She says, “The little things were important, like the mason jars on the tables.” After prom, she was happy with how everything turned out and is excited to see what it will be like next year.
Junior, Jayden Carpenter-Sattler got to experience prom for the first time on Saturday night. He shares what his favorite part of the whole night was: “My favorite part about prom was the community of people I was talking to.” Throughout the night there were a lot of memories that he made. One of the most memorable events that happened to him was when he was playing Uno. He says, “I was trying to play Uno with finger lights on and could not see anything.” Carpenter-Sattler adds that he is excited for next year and to hang out with his friends again.

Brigham Bentley had a lot of fun at prom as well. He enjoyed the whole experience, but there were some aspects that were his favorite. These included talking to all of the people, taking pictures with his friends, and playing euchre. When asked what his favorite memory he made was, he responded, “When Jayden and I beat Grace and Isaac in euchre. I also liked that there were free Shirley temples.” Overall, he enjoyed getting to experience it, but most of all loved hanging out with his friends.
Mrs. Couling was the senior advisor alongside Mr. Couling. She explains what she loved the most about prom: “I think it was nice that they had things other than dancing to do.” She also adds that the students really enjoyed the photo booth, Shirley Temples, corn hole, dancing, and the glow sticks. The juniors worked extremely hard to make the prom such a large success. Mrs. Couling explains that she and Mr. Coulign met with anyone who wanted to help with prom almost every week since October. They also had to get a venue, a DJ, and a theme, and we had to plan food, drinks, activities, and gifts. Overall, she gives a big thank you to everyone who helped with prom, this included Mrs. Snyder, Ms. Taylor, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Reed, Ms. Kelly, Northwoods Plumbing, and Nature’s Pride who donated the photo booth.
Everyone who attended should thank the junior class and the Coulings for making the night possible!