During this past week, students from Concord High School’s leadership class worked to create many fun and exciting activities to help other students get into the Christmas spirit. This included students having the opportunity to pie their favorite teacher, enjoy hot chocolate and donuts, watch a Christmas movie, and finally, partake in a dodgeball tournament. Furthermore, Christmas dress-up days were held throughout the week.

The week started off with junior Iyla Weeks and junior Danni Fritz putting on an event where students could pay $4 to pie their teachers in the face. These teachers included Mrs. Sigman, Mrs. Osterhout, Mr. Buck, Mr. Couling, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Wilson, Ms. Taylor, and Mrs. Fiero.
Fritz reflects on how the activity turned out: “I feel that it went really well, and we raised a lot of money to put towards a pizza party for the winners of spirit week.”
Senior Nolan Mattson was an observer of this event and explains, “I enjoyed having something new to look forward to, and it was fun to see everyone’s reactions.”
Along with this activity, students had the chance to wear their favorite Christmas socks paired with any light-up Christmas accessory. Sophomore Julia Stevens, Weeks, and Fritz all worked together to run the dress-up days as well.

On Tuesday, two different leadership groups worked together to give students hot chocolate and donuts. Senior TJ Allen, Collin Tompson, and Briley Howell raised money to buy donuts by running a snack cart. Then, senior Savanna Alejandro, Zoe Schultz, and Sidney Marshall ran a bake sale to raise money to purchase the hot chocolate and marshmallows. Toward the end of the day, both groups handed out these delicious snacks to every high school student. The dress-up theme for Tuesday was to wear ugly Christmas sweaters, and many people participated.
By Wednesday, the holiday spirit had started to grow. To keep it going, Stevens held a Christmas movie day in the gym. Stevens also provided free popcorn for every student. The movie that was played was the Christmas movie Elf. A projector was set up in the gym, and bleachers were pulled out for students to sit in.
Freshman Dominic Sanders participated in this activity; “I enjoyed getting out of class and talking to my friends that I don’t see very much throughout the day. I also enjoyed the delicious popcorn.” Students also got to watch this movie in comfort because the dress-up day theme was Christmas pajamas, and almost everyone participated. Some classrooms were also open for students who did not want to watch the movie.
On Thursday, juniors Drew Uncapher, Zayden Sweet, and Manix Furqueron all worked together to plan and set up a dodgeball tournament. There were a total of 4 teams with 6 players each. The teams played through a bracket, and the winning team played best out of 3 against a team of teachers. The team named SL won after many tough battles and even beat the teachers in the third round.
Junior Tobey Moore reflects on the game and this week in general, “I had a lot of fun, and I got to play with my best friends and just have a good time. I also think it is a great thing that good work allows us to do fun things and be rewarded.”
To add to the festivities, students also had the opportunity to dress up as anyone from Santa’s workshop. This included elves, reindeer, Mrs. Claus, and even Santa himself.

To end the fantastic week, Friday was a half day, and the dress-up theme was to go all out in everything Christmas. The spirit week winners were also announced as well, and the seminar class with the most Christmas spirit was Mrs. Fiero’s class. A group of students decorated the gym foyer for the upcoming boys’ basketball game as well.
Thank you to all who participated and helped make this week enjoyable. Also, a special thanks to all the teachers who helped ensure that everything ran smoothly and fun. These festivities could not have happened without your help. So with that, the Concord Chronicle wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!