This week, we are shining our senior spotlight on Maria Stevens. She is described as someone with a bubbly, funny, and caring personality, which is why we are honored to be writing about her.
Stevens has attended Concord for a while now. She states, “I came in kindergarten, left, came back in fifth grade, and have been here ever since.” After spending almost half her life at Concord, Stevens has made many memories. Her favorites have been made at her siblings’ sporting events. She says, “I love going to Connor’s basketball games because I just like watching him play basketball.”
This year she has a new class on her schedule, which also happens to be her favorite. That class is plant science with Mrs. Colangelo. She explains that it is her favorite because she really enjoys how hands-on it is. It also allows her to be active in nature and learn skills for later in life.
While at Concord, Stevens has also participated in many sports and clubs. For clubs, she is currently involved in student council as an officer, is an NHS officer, and is an active member of HOSA, which is a program for health professions. In terms of sports, Stevens has participated in many throughout her school experience; the ones that she has continued participating in are cross country, basketball, and track. She shares that her favorite sport is basketball for two reasons: “the competitive atmosphere of it and the team.”
Besides attending Concord High School, Stevens has also been attending the Jackson Area Career Center. This is now her second year that she has been in their nursing program. Currently, she is participating in classroom and lab work. She is also working on clinicals and is on track to getting her CNA license.
After graduating from high school, Stevens plans to attend college at Grand Valley State University to get a degree in nursing. She shares that she will start her first year in pre-req courses and go into nursing school after that. She was inspired to do so because “the nursing program at Grand Valley is very strong and reliable; [she has] family that lives up there; and the campus is really nice.”

Other than schooling and sports, Stevens has a few hobbies. She shares, “I like hanging out with my family, hanging out with my boyfriend, going grocery shopping with my mom, and watching TV.” Her current favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy, and her favorite song is “When Will My Life Begin” from the movie Tangled.
As a senior, there is a lot to look forward to and miss. Stevens shares what she thinks is the best part about being one: “Knowing that I will graduate in a little bit and move forward with my life.” Stevens shares that the worst part about being a senior is the fact that she will miss her teachers when it comes time for her to leave.
Stevens’s close friend, Madisyn Barrett, shares some of her favorite things about her. She says, “I like Maria’s personality and how she is always there as a friend when I need her.” Throughout her time with Stevens, Barrett has learned some things about her. She says, “She can have a ton of bursts of energy and be the most chaotic person you know, and then the next second she will be calm.” Barrett also shares that she hopes they will be friends for a long time and that she has an amazing time at Grand Valley.
Another close friend of Stevens is Gwen Bulko. She shares that she loves a lot about Stevens, saying, “First of all, she is by far one of the funniest people I have ever met. Everywhere she goes, she is always making jokes and making everyone feel welcome and excited. She is always uplifting everyone’s energy because she has so much energy of her own. She never fails to speak her mind; she is really honest, and it is really blunt and funny a lot of the time, but she is also extremely caring and is one of the most selfless and supportive people I have ever met.” Some of Bulko’s favorite memories with Stevens come from this previous cross-country season. She explains how, in terms of selflessness, her favorite memory was when she was close to passing out during the regional race. Stevens did not hesitate to put her on her back and carry her back to the tent. Bulko explains that the rest of her memories come from practice, saying, “When she messes around with people and jokingly yells, it is fun. I also love when she gives me hugs because she does that every day, and those are very sweet.” Overall, Bulko is very glad she gets to know her. She wants her to know that she is really proud of her and thinks that everything she does is amazing.

English teacher Mrs. O has known Stevens for about three or four years now. When asked what she likes about Stevens, she replied, “I mean, what’s not to like about her? I mean, she is bubbly thoughtful, hardworking, and just fun to be around.” Some advice Mrs. O has for Stevens once she graduates is to believe in herself and her abilities to succeed. She states, “She has the skills and abilities to get where she needs to be, but just make sure that she always keeps confidence in herself.” Mrs. O ends by saying that she knows how wonderful and successful Stevens is going to be in the future and is excited to see what she can accomplish!
Stevens is the oldest of five children. All of her siblings will miss her dearly when she leaves for college and are all extremely proud of what she has accomplished. Sophomore, Connor Stevens explains what his favorite memory with his sister is. He says, “My favorite memories come from when she takes me places I want to go, like McDonald’s, friends’ houses, and Sattlers.”
7th grader Zack Stevens explains what he is proud of her for. He states, “I am proud of her for being on varsity basketball for all four years and being a good athlete. I am also proud of her for doing good in school and for being a great sister.”
6th grader Ruthie Stevens shares a little bit about what she will miss the most when Stevens moves away. She says, “I am going to miss going shopping with her and watching movies with her in her room.”
Stevens shares her advice for upcoming freshmen, saying: “Do not get super caught up in the drama and do not take things so seriously because it is not all going to last. There is no point in getting into all that, especially when you probably are not going to worry about it in a few years.”
Writers do not get to write about someone that they are so close to very often. I am honored to get to highlight Maria for all she has done, and I am excited to see what you will accomplish. I am so proud of you, and I wish you the best in everything you do!