Senior Spotlight: Maddi Biszalik

Rylee Sinden, Staff Writer

Kind-hearted, sweet, kind, and caring: all these words describe Maddi Biszalik. Maddi is a senior here, and we are honored to shine our senior spotlight on her this week. 

After high school, Biszalik has big plans for her future. She shares, “I will be attending Kalamazoo Valley Community College  for pediatric nursing.” She explains that she has always wanted to be a nurse and help people since she was a little kid. She says, “I’ve always wanted to work with kids and be in the hospital setting. I like to be the person that can comfort family and push them to be better in hard situations. So pediatric nursing has always been what I’ve wanted to do.”

Maddi has gone to Concord her whole life and loves it here. “I went to Concord my whole life. I left for a few months my junior year, but I came back because I just love knowing everybody here and having a family here. That was the biggest thing for me.” Now Maddi explains that, “it feels good to finally be a senior. It is kind of bitter-sweet because this is all I have known my whole life.”

Biszalik is very talented when it comes to art, which is why Senior Art with Mr. Couling is her favorite class. Mr. Couling shares that Maddi is an amazing person. “Maddi is an absolutely fantastic artist. Someone offered to buy her work at the art show this year. That’s the kind of quality work I always get from her. She just has a wonderful personality, and I love having her in class.” 

The high school experience is all about growth and making memories. Biszalik shares that throughout high school, she has grown as a student and as an athlete. She has also learned to be able to overcome challenging obstacles in her everyday life. Biszalik shares her favorite high school memory, which was prom last year.

Athletics have always been important to Maddi. She has played four years of volleyball, and one year of softball and basketball. Being on a close-knit and caring team is important. “I’m going to miss everything about being on a team. I love how everyone comes together as a family.” 

Family and community have always been a huge part of her life. She explains that her peers are who have shaped her into the person she is today. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, traveling, and playing sports. Maddi was asked, “What do you want to be remembered for?” She responded with “influencing people to be their best selves.”

Anyone who is around Biszalik knows that she is very ambitious and has a fun personality. She shares that two things on her bucket list are skydiving and swimming with sharks. She also enjoys watching her favorite movie, Just Go With It, starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. In her free time, she also likes to listen to rap and pop music. 

Mr. Buck has known Maddi for four years and taught her for two. He shares his thoughts on Biszalik. “Maddi Biszalik is a wonderful young lady who is hardworking, dependable, always turns her work in on time, and is a pleasure to have in the classroom. As a person she is fun, caring, kind, and people can be drawn to her. I am very glad that she chose to come back to Concord to finish her schooling.” 

Senior Logan Lamb has been friends with Maddi for a long time. He explains that “she’s super nice and fun to be around.”

Maddi is such a great aspect to Concord and all of her peers are so proud of her growth throughout high school. Biszalik has one last piece of advice for any upcoming freshman: “Definitely don’t fall behind because once you do, it’s hard to catch up.” We wish Maddi the best of luck in all of her future endeavors.