Dog Therapy 2023
With the holidays behind them and the semester coming to an end, students are under stress in the new year. The senior class is hosting a Pet Therapy experience on Wednesday morning.
Students at Concord High School will have the chance to interact with these adorable puppies on January 18 in the gym. If you want more time with the dogs, you can choose between 15 minutes for $5 and 30 minutes for $10. There is a signup sheet in the office where you can schedule the times from 10 to 11:30 on Wednesday. Madi Coburn is leading this event to raise money for the senior class for their senior luncheon and other senior class events. “We want to make it an annual event because they did it last year, and it went really well and I wanted to continue it on,” said Coburn of her decision to use dog therapy.
Students will have the opportunity to take a break from schoolwork, unwind, and spend time with their furry friends. According to Coburn “from what I’ve heard around school, I see it doing really well, and it turned out great last year.”
Sign up in the office to take part in this experience and relieve your end-of-semester stress.

Hi! I'm Brianna, and I'm a senior here at CHS. My part-time job is delivering pizzas at Cottage Inn in Hillsdale, which I love. I'm interested in pursuing...