He-Man Volleyball was a blast.


Mekhi Wingfield cheering for his classmates

This past flex Wednesday, November 9th, the senior class hosted the he-man volleyball tournaments.

Students with passing grades had the opportunity to fill the bleachers and watch the boys play during 3rd and 4th-hour flex periods. Many had cheer pom-poms and cheered for their playing classmates.

Senior participant Adair Artis explains that, “It wasn’t the best start but after getting used to the matches and getting warmed up, I believe our teamwork and communication definitely improved.”

The tournaments were a great hit, and everyone had a blast. Three guys teams signed up to play overall – Free Rio, The Aquamen, and The Violators. The first couple of matches included a mix of the teams rotating off and on the court. the loser teams then had an opportunity to play once more against staff members. 

Staff member Mrs. O, watching the matches in action, describes afterwards that, ¨It was so fun.¨

It was absolutely amazing how the boys worked together and played so well. We definitely need a boys’ volleyball team.

Coach Sigman says that, ¨the event went well. I think it would be fun to have a boys’ volleyball team, but I am not sure how it would work out logistically as sports already compete for athletes within our small district.¨

The winning green team (Violators) finally played against Varsity for the win. The staff played against the two losing teams (Free Rio & The Aquamen) Both games were close calls,  but the combined guys teams won by a few points each game.