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  • The end of the quarter is this week, so make sure everything is turned in!
  • Wish the girls’ basketball team good luck as they play in the quarter-finals this Tuesday!
  • Spring sports have begun, make sure you have a physical in order to participate.
  • Spring break runs from March 21st to March 30th.
The Student News Site of Concord High School

Concord Chronicle

Concord Chronicle

Concord Chronicle

Helena Naumann

Helena Naumann, Staff Writer

Helena is an exchange student from Germany. She is very excited to be here and experience the American culture and lifestyle. She is a senior at Concord High School, and it is her first year of Multimedia Publications. She is interested in art, animals, and spending time with her friends. She is open to meeting people and is ready to make new friends. Her goals for this year are to have fun and get better at understanding English. 

All content by Helena Naumann