With spring break rolling around, many students begin to lose focus and their grades begin to slip. There is a group of students who have kept up their positive attitudes and worked hard through the last stretch. We are proud to announce these students as the students of the month for March. Here is some insight into each of them.
First up is freshman, Elizabeth Smith. She has multiple hobbies, including painting/doing art, playing my guitars (electric and acoustic), and taking pictures. She is a member of the volleyball team, the band, and the robotics team. For a career, she wants to be an English teacher. She shares the reasoning, “I have always loved learning new things, teaching others and English.” Smith’s motivation in school comes from her friends and the hope of being successful later in life.
Next is sophomore Dakota Miller. She enjoys reading, baking, and playing video games. She is an active participant in both the band and robotics team. When asked which is her favorite, Hamilton responded: “I enjoy both of them pretty well, they both have their pros and cons, but overall, probably robotics as I have more friends in it and it’s a bit more of an active thing if that makes sense, more social and collaborative.” In terms of future career, it has always been her dream to open a bakery, but she also plans to be a welder. To make it to this point, she knows high school is a crucial piece. She shares her advice for other students, “Just stay on top of your work and ask for help if needed. Most of the teachers are pretty helpful if you ask politely/professionally and explain what you are struggling with; I usually ask my friends first though.”
For juniors, Connor Stevens was chosen. His hobbies consist of playing Call of Duty Warzone, lifting weights, playing basketball, and listening to music. He is a member of the basketball team, track team, and NHS. His favorite sport is basketball. When asked why he responded, “I have played it my whole life. There are certain people that I have watched play and have helped me progress in my basketball career. I know that they know what it takes to be a good player, while also being a mentor in my life.” After high school, Stevens is undecided about exactly what he wants to do. He knows that he wants to do something outside working with dirt.
Last, but not least is Alekzander Warner. Outside of school, he enjoys hanging out with friends, playing on his Xbox, and cooking with his mom. Warner is also a member of the varsity football team here at Concord. After high school, he is planning on working in construction or possibly doing trade school. Currently, his most enjoyable class is Leadership with Mrs. O. He shares why: “I enjoy doing stuff around the school that makes other students have fun or enjoy being here.” He has had many memories and accomplishments throughout the past four years, with his proudest accomplishment being the growth he has made throughout that time. He explains, “I realized that I was always being disrespectful, loud, and not doing my work. It took me a while to change, but by the end of my sophomore year, I wasn’t the same person at all. I became respectful, I was doing work, and I wasn’t being loud to get me in trouble. I realized If I wanted to graduate on time and be successful then I would have to change, so I did.”
Congrats to each of these students and their hard work. We wish you the best of luck in any future endeavors.