With an end to another month, we are proud to announce another set of students of the month. Here is some insight into these dedicated students.
First up is freshman, Rachel Rundle. In her free time she enjoys any form of exercise, reading, being outside, and playing sports. She is a three sport athlete, participating in volleyball, basketball, and track & field. Though it is still early in her high school career, she has some idea as to what she wants to do afterwards. She says, “When I grow up I want to be a nurse.” Rundle adds that her motivation in school comes from keeping good grades in order to play sports.
For the sophomores, Colton Gray was chosen. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and basically everything outdoors. He is also a three sport athlete playing for the football, basketball, and baseball teams. After high school, he has a plan that he hopes to follow. Gray explains, “When I graduate I want to start a career in the trades, specifically plumbing. I plan to take over my father’s company MLC and continue to grow the company throughout Michigan. After I have worked in that career for a while, I plan to hire a management team to run the company for the most part, and I am just the CEO. Then I plan to buy real estate and renovate properties, buy apartment complexes, and start my own real estate company to help others get involved. Through my life I hope to help others by running charity events, starting donation funds, and helping others out with their needs.” He adds some tips he has for other students to do well in school, is to go above and beyond what you are expected to do.
Next up is junior Emma Burbo. Outside of school and sports, she likes to spend her time working out, doing art, and hanging out with her friends. She is an active participant in many clubs and sports; these include the prom committee, varsity volleyball team, and trying out for a flight volleyball team. When asked which is her favorite, she responded, “My favorite is Varsity Volleyball because I get the chance to play with my friends, I love my coach, and just enjoy being a family on and off the court.” After high school, Cardiac Sonography for a career and is hoping to attend the University of Colorado Boulder.
Lastly is senior Michael Brigham. When he is not at school, he enjoys restoring homes from flooring to painting to roofing. He also recycles scrap metals when it’s available for a little extra money. Next year his hopes are to enter the postal service business. Throughout high school he has had many different classes, but his favorite has been English with Mrs. O. He explains why, “She was by far one of the most helpful teachers when it came to providing clear instructions and helping me when needed. This resulted in me getting a 104% in her class.” After high school, he is going to miss a lot, but what he is going to miss the most will be being able to talk with the people he’s grown up with on a daily basis.
Congratulations to all of these excellent people, we wish you the best of luck in everything you do in the future!