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A group of students playing volleyball
A group of students playing volleyball

Summer Kickoff

Summer Kickoff has come again as the year’s end approaches. During the kickoff, there were many different activities and plenty of room to picnic. Food was also available as well as the Dirt Road doughnut truck.

Mrs. Mattson was a chaperone during the Summer Kickoff at Gottschalk Park. Mrs. Mattson, although she was a chaperone, says, “My time was wonderful and I enjoyed hanging out with the students.” She continues, “Serving lunch was enjoyable as well as playing games.” When being asked what her favorite part of Summer Kickoff was she explains, “Probably playing badminton with the kids; we were all laughing super hard and having lots of fun.” Mrs. Mattson believed that everything went really well, the only improvement she could see was, “Having a list of different things to bring down to the park-like basketballs or tennis racquets.” Agreeing with other staff members, Mrs. Mattson states that, “I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Maria Stevens was a student who went to the Summer Kickoff. Beaming with excitement, she responds, “It was a ton of fun and I was able to bond with a lot of different people.” Stevens spent her time with friends and having fun but the part that stood out the most was, “When I was playing pickleball with Julia.” Although she enjoyed her time she believes, “A little less time would be better because towards the end of the day people just wanted to go home.” Besides that Stevens was happy with how Summer Kickoff turned out.

Another student who was active during the kickoff was Mason Davis. When being asked about his experience, Davis says, “I had a good time and spent time with my friends.” Although he enjoyed the whole event, his favorite parts were, “Playing kickball or spending time with my friends.” Davis believes, “It was a really nice time; I don’t really see anything to improve upon.”

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Summer Kickoff brought friends closer as well as introduced new friends while bringing laughter and smiles. A special thank you to Mrs. Osterhout for being the head of the kickoff!

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