This week, our seniors embarked on a series of special activities, each day bringing them closer to their farewell. These activities, organized by Nolan Mattson, Zoe Schultz, and Savanna Alejandro, were a testament to his dedication and effort to make these moments for our seniors.
Mattson shares how he thinks everything went: “I think everything went down really well; I think everyone had a good time with it. I definitely think it was something good that we did. And I think it was something that we made memories with. Something that could possibly start a tradition, so I am proud of it.”
Monday was locker decorating and senior picnic. The class of 2024 got to decorate their lockers with their friends and have a small picnic away from everybody else. Food was provided by Zoe Schultz, and there were all kinds of food to munch on, such as watermelon, cupcakes, cookies, sodas, etc. Career center seniors were dismissed early from class, so they had a chance to have their picnic. The rest were released, and everyone else had the opportunity to grab their school lunch before going to the picnic located in the courtyard. At the end of the school day, during seminar, seniors got to decorate their lockers with photos and stickers with their friends.
When Ashton Artis was asked which day was his favorite, he responded, “Honestly, it was the locker decorating; even though I barely decorated anything, it was nice to see everyone’s photos being set up and hanging out with friends.”
Tuesday was Senior Gym Games held by Mrs. Osterhout-Koch and junior students Iyla Weeks, Dani Fritz, and Andrew Uncapher. Toward the end of the day, seniors were called down to the gym to play team games with the rest of the senior class. They played games like dodgeball, where things got heated. Everyone was having fun while they bonded with each other. They worked on teamwork to beat their opponents.
Wednesday marked a milestone for our seniors-Decision Day. At 8:30, all students were dismissed to head to the gym, where seats were designated for the seniors, and a projector screen was set up. The screen projected each student’s future professions and the selected university or college, giving a glimpse into the seniors’ future. This was not just a day for the seniors but also an opportunity for lower-class students to envision their plans. The event was a reminder of the journey ahead and the possibilities for each student. After a bit of waiting, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors returned to class while seniors stayed behind and took pictures with friends and teachers. Later on, seniors and school staff walked to the cafeteria to make gift card cards and get the chance to get food like donuts, coffee, orange juice, and more.
Thursday was Spirit Rock Painting; at 2:30 p.m., seniors were told to go outside to paint the Spirit Rock. This is a tradition that seniors get to do before they graduate. Mattson painted the seniors’ hands yellow to symbolize the school colors and made them print their hands on the rock. A bucket filled with water was provided for seniors to clean the paint off their hands. After everyone was done, Julia Stevens took pictures for the Concord Chronicle, where the seniors surrounded the rock, looking up at the camera. Jazmine Breining shares how this was her favorite day of the week, “I loved Spirit Rock Painting since everyone came together and bonded. I think this was a a great way for seniors to get out of school and have fun outside or inside school.”
Finally, Friday was Off-Campus Lunch. Students get to go on a walk to town and eat some lunch with their classmates. This forms bonding and quality time before departing. They get dismissed at 10:26 to begin walking toward town with Mrs. Osterhout-Koch. Students pick where to buy their lunch, whether it’s Trailhead Coffee Shop, Mel’s Place, Sattler’s Tasty Treat, or more! Riley Adams shares how this activity was her favorite and her thoughts, “Today was probably one of my favorites or the gym games. I feel it’s one last thing you get to do with your class before you graduate together. I had a lot of fun this past week with the class and getting closer to many people. It allowed us to bond more outside of school!”
This week was memorable for the seniors, especially those who didn’t want to be at school. They had the chance to do something differently and get ready to say goodbye in only nine days. This is a great way to start appreciating what they got before it’s gone and eliminate their boredom. Good luck to all seniors and their bright future ahead!