It’s wrestling season! Both the boys’ and girls’ teams have had a great season so far. But, there are many more meets this season remaining. Let’s see how their seasons are going, starting with the boys.
Nate Fritz, a sophomore here has been a wrestler for three years. He shares how his season has gone so far: “My season this year has been alright. I had to move up two weight classes, and it got a lot harder. Despite that, I am still doing really well.” He then explains his goals for the rest of the season: “Hopefully I can make it to states this year because I want to make it further than last year, which was regionals.” Fritz still has many more years ahead of him and will undoubtedly be successful in the years to come.

Senior Collin Thompson has been a part of the Concord wrestling program for five years. He has been very successful over the years, qualifying for the state meet last year. He shares how his season is going so far: “This season is going well so far, and all the hard work is starting to pay off. I am doing very well, and am currently 20-3 and have won two tournaments.” Being a senior is a very bittersweet experience, especially when you are a part of a sports team. He shares his senior experience: “Being a senior is such a crazy thing that happened so fast. But, I am happy with what I have accomplished over the years.” After all that he has accomplished, Thompson has one more goal left, he shares. “My only goal left is to win the state title or at least a piece of it.” We all know that Thompson has a very successful season ahead of him as he continues to work hard.
Now, let’s see how the girls are doing this season.

Although the girl’s team is small, they have been very successful. The girls have entered a few all-girls tournaments this year, and have been successful in all of them.
Jordyan Metcalf has wrestled for eight years, and still has two more seasons ahead of her, being a sophomore. She has had a lot of success over the years, but this year she has done even better. “My season is going really well. My record is 13-5,” she shares. This year, she has also gotten really close to beating the record of the fastest pin between both boys’ and girls’ teams. “I was two seconds off from beating the school record. The school record is 7 seconds and I pinned in 9,” she explains. She now knows that beating that record is achievable and sets it as a goal for herself. Wrestling is so important to Mecalf. Her favorite part about that sport is: “the opportunities I can get,” Mecalf says.
Sophomore Jasmine Carr, the other wrestler on the girl’s team, has wrestled for three years. She explains that there are many reasons why she loves the sport, but one aspect of the sport sticks out to her, she shares. “My favorite part is the teammates.” She has had a successful season so far, but still has the whole season ahead of her. This year she has improved, and shares that she is getting more aggressive.
Both teams have had an amazing season so far, and still have much more to go. Go support our wrestlers today in Bronson for the Big Eight Quad. We wish you all the best of luck as the rest of your season continues.