Hardworking, loveable, funny, and caring all describe one amazing senior here at Concord High School: Carter Arbuckle. He is a long-time student here and deserves this week’s senior spotlight.
Arbuckle has gone to Concord since kindergarten, but it’s almost time for him to move on to the next chapter of his life. Although he is ready to finish high school, he shares that he will deeply miss many aspects of Concord. Arbuckle shares, “I’ll miss being around the people I grew up with.”

Photo courtesy of Mrs. Arbuckle
After graduation, Carter plans to go on and do great things. He shares his strategy for the future: “I plan to continue pursuing my college baseball journey. But, if that doesn’t seem to work out, I’ll go into the trades and work that way or work for Amtrack.” He hasn’t always planned on this though. Carter’s career choice has shifted from the job he wanted when he was little. “My dream job when I was little was to become a taxidermist,” he explains. “ I still could have that job, I used to do it all the time, but I kind of stepped away from that recently. So I’m trying to get back into it.”
Carter is involved in many extracurriculars, including NHS, Student Council, and sports. However, his favorite is the sports teams he is a part of. Arbuckle is a player on four different teams here; basketball, golf, football, and his favorite, baseball. He explains that, “Sports have made me into the person I am today because they have given me this life.”
His favorite high school memory also involves baseball. “My favorite high school memory was winning the regional championship my freshman year during baseball.” After his sports seasons end, he knows what he will miss the most: “I’ll miss playing sports with all of my friends.”
One of Carter’s closest friends, Levi Raymond explains that they are friends because of baseball: “Carter and I bonded over baseball. We started playing together when we were little and never stopped. We have only gotten closer since then. He is a giant teddy bear, funny, respectful, and caring.” Raymond continues, “My favorite memory with him is when he won us a 12u tournament in baseball by stealing home on a passed ball. Everyone went crazy.”

Photo courtesy of Mrs. Arbuckle (Picasa)
During school, Arbuckle enjoys many classes, but his favorite one is personalized fitness with Mrs. Sigman. He shares that he likes that class because he gets to be active, as opposed to sitting at a desk.
One of Arbuckle’s favorite teachers, Mrs. Colangelo shares her opinions on Carter. “When I think about Carter, I immediately think about his great sense of humor. He is so clever with his zingers, it makes everyone laugh! Carter was a great help in Plant Science this fall. He played organizer, coordinator, and communicator to grounds staff for all the Courtyard projects. It was fun seeing how much he has changed since I had him in Chemistry as a sophomore. He is a definite leader in his class,” she shares.
In his free time, Arbuckle would rather “hunt, fish, and love every day.” Another thing Carter enjoys doing is showing steer and pigs. He shares his most recent accomplishment: “I am proud Rosco, my steer. I worked really hard with him, and we ended up being the champ of the fair.”
As a jack of all trades, Arbuckle is talented at many different things but realizes his limitations: “I am really good at deer hunting, showing pigs and cows, baseball, and to most people, I’m pretty good at golf. But, not as good as my dad,” he admits.
Arbuckle enjoys watching movies, especially movies with Will Farrell. “He’s funny and makes every single movie he’s in great.”
Arbuckle’s family is very important to him. “The most important people to me are my whole entire family. They have supported me so much.” He also shares that his mom and dad have made him into the person he is today.

(Rylee Sinden)
The way Carter feels about his family is mutual. His dad, Mr. Mike Arbuckle, explains why he is so proud of him. “He loves his family, and holds his morals and values high. God gave him a lot of gifts. I’m incredibly proud of him and the man he has become.”
Carter’s mom, Mrs. Amanda Arbuckle is also very proud of who he has become and shares why. “I am so proud of Carter because he really is a great human. I honestly enjoy being with him. Whether we are just hanging out at home, hunting together, playing sports, or traveling- he makes my heart so happy. I love that he tries to do the right thing, even when the right thing is hard to do.” She continues, “He loves his family and will do anything for them. Carter also has such a big heart. I know I’m biased, but I think I have the best son. I am so grateful and proud of the young man he is becoming.”
One of his sisters, Avery Arbuckle explains: “I like when we get the opportunity to show pigs and cattle together. I especially like showing pigs against him, because I get to beat him at that. But seriously, I love my brother so much because he is a great role model to me.”
His other sister, Reagan Arbuckle explains why her big brother is so important to her: “I love my brother because he protects me. I like how funny he is and how good he is at drawing me stuff. I got my first buck with Carter, and he videoed the whole thing. He was so excited for me. This is why I love my brother.”

Photo courtesy of Mrs. Arbuckle
Carter wants to leave all freshmen with this piece of advice: “Do your work when it’s assigned. Don’t let it start to pile up.”
Personally, I have known Carter since he was born. Although we argue sometimes, he has always acted like a big brother to me. Thank you Carter for putting up with me for all these years!
With that being said, we all wish Carter the best of luck as he moves on to the next phase of his life. We all know he will go on to do great things!
Jacqueline Hills • Dec 15, 2023 at 10:00 pm
Thanks Rylee! What a fabulous article about my favorite grandson. He is indeed an incredible human being. He is so good at so many things, but as the article says, family is one of his top priorities. I respect him and the values he models for his sisters.