In this small town, there is one hobby that stands above the rest because of its popularity: hunting. Hunting is a popular sport in Michigan, but especially in Concord.
Many people enjoy hunting, while others don’t understand why people enjoy it. But, according to Shooting Times, it is a humane way to control the deer population. Hunting also creates, “both appreciation and gratitude,” says Shooting Times. They share that hunting is a great way to relieve stress and anger, and could potentially make people act more positively.
On Wednesday, November fifteenth many students and community members skipped school and work to go out on opening day. Specifically, Concord had a very low attendance rate this day, due to having so many hunters in our school. According to abc, attendance rates hit an all-time low on opening day in rural towns. At some schools, the attendance rate is so low that they aren’t allowed to count it as a school day. Despite this, many students say skipping school was worth it. Let’s hear from our very own Concord students about their hunting experiences this year.

Courtesy of Landen Hotchkind students about their hunting experience so far this year, and why they personally love to hunt.
Freshman Avery Arbuckle has been hunting for 10 years. She has always had a love for the sport, and shares why. “I love hunting because of the quality time I get to spend with my family,” she shares.
Easton Woolworth, a freshman here loves to hunt and has a strong passion. This year, Woolworth had a very successful season tagged out already. His second deer was a large eight-point, and he shares the story behind his kill. “I was sitting with my dad, and we saw a big deer coming. I got ready, and when it came out, my dad told me to shoot it. I didn’t know for sure, but I trusted my dad. After I took the shot, I started shaking a ton, but it all went away when we saw the deer nose dive into the weeds. After we saw that, we knew he was dead.” Woolworth explains. “When I got up to the deer, I got really excited and felt very accomplished.”
Sophomore, Cece Barrett shot a buck recently. She says, “He came out around 7:30 am and was about 55 yards away. After I shot, he ran about 60 yards then dropped. I was nervous when I saw him, but I was able to get a good shot on him.”
Another sophomore, Landen Hotchkin, shot a deer this year and shares how he felt afterward. “I felt really happy and blessed,” Hotchkin explains. “I was grateful to take such a beautiful deer.”

Courtesy of Carter Arbuckle
Marissa Mandrelle shares why she has a strong love for hunting. “I love hunting because it brings my parents and I closer together. When I shoot a deer, it gets my adrenaline pumping, which I also like.”
Zoe Schultz, a senior here has been hunting for as long as she can remember. She loves hunting “because [she] gets to spend time with [her] dad and that makes [her] happy. Hunting also brings a lot of people together which [she] loves as well.”
So, if you are looking for a new hobby this fall and winter, hunting could be a great option to try out. It leaves you feeling accomplished and proud of yourself, not to mention puts protein in your freezer. Congratulations to all CHS hunters!