A chance to give back
Concord is holding two holiday drives leading up to winter break!
December 9, 2022
Tis’ the season to give back to your community! Opportunities pop up in our school all the time. In fact, two are happening right now: the holiday basket drive and the winter clothing drive. Now is your chance to do something great for the people in the community!
The holiday basket drive is accepting donations of non-perishable food items, hygiene items, and cash donations. Junior Nolan Mattson has taken the responsibility of setting up this drive. He says, “You should donate to the holiday basket drive because it is a good cause and can benefit people in need.” After all donations are collected, they will be taken to the Pulaski Free Methodist Church. Not only are you doing something which is beneficial to the community, the first-hour class that donates the most will get a prize of hot chocolate and donuts. Our student council president, Ella Woolworth says, “It makes it fun because there is competition while also getting the chance to give back.” Nolan and Ella have been working together to get this drive up and going. They both explain that it makes them feel good about giving back to the community. This drive started Monday, December 5th, and will end on December 14th. Be sure to turn your donations in to your first-hour teacher!

The second drive going on right now is a winter clothes drive. Junior Gwen Bulko is single-handedly organizing this drive by herself. She says, “I feel grateful to be able to organize such an event. I am proud to say that I have single-handedly organized an event that will help those in need. It is a wonderful opportunity that the staff at Concord High School have allowed me to do this, as well as the fact that I am fortunate enough to have the means to do this. I am grateful that I am able to help make a difference in my community. I hope this drive can help at least one person receive the attire they need to get through these cold months.” We are so happy Bulko decided to do this, and now everyone at Concord High School gets the chance to make a difference. She states that, “people should donate to the Winter Clothes Drive because it is an opportunity to help those in need. So many people go without the proper attire for winter, while numerous others see this as a given and take these things for granted. The winter clothes drive gives the more fortunate a chance to give back to the community and help those in need. It is a chance to make a difference in your community.” All donations collected will be donated to Concord’s local free store, located right down the street from our school. Gwen explains that she chose this drive for her leadership class because there are many people who struggle through these cold winter months, and she wanted to give everyone the opportunity to change someone’s winter. The winter clothes drive started Monday, December 12th, and will end Friday, December 16th. The winning first hour will get a pizza party on Wednesday, December 21st. Bring any donations you have to your first-hour class!

This holiday season, take the opportunity to give back to the community and help those in need. Be sure to donate to your first-hour class!