Surprise & Delight: Baseball
April 8, 2022
The 2nd and 4th graders hosted a great surprise for the Varsity and JV baseball team at ten in the morning Tuesday in honor of the start of their season. They all brought gifts to each one of them, courtesy of their teachers, Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Arbuckle. The children were really excited to see them, and even sang them the Concord Fight Song!
Mrs. Lamb has loved watching Logan, her son, play baseball since kindergarten. She was passionate about creating this surprise for the team because theĀ “Red’s fans in Cincinnati area take Opening Day very seriously,” and since she is from the area “Opening Day is super exciting” for her. She has found that there “isn’t as much community excitement around baseball as there is other sports,” and continues on to say that “these young men have been working so hard to prepare for this season.” She “wanted them to feel encouraged and cheered on from their #onehive.” Since Carter Arbuckle is also on the team, she asked Mrs. Arbuckle’s 2nd grade class to join them. “It was a wonderful way for 2nd and 4th graders to participate in a Surprise and Delight,” and helped them learn to “show kindness to others.”
Everyone is insanely proud of the boys for their hard work, and their effort does not go unnoticed by the staff and students. Hopefully they have an amazing season!